Dr. Muhammad Tayyab


Physiotherapist (University of Lahore)
1.5+ years working experience
Expertise lies in stroke, lower back pain, frozen shoulder, sciatica and other MSK disorders.


DPT from University of Lahore registered by PPTP.
His expertise is in :
Low back pain
Frozen Shoulder
Musculoskeletal disorders ( low back pain, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, kyphosis etc)
Working experience :
Physio Rehab Centre 2022
Wajid Clinic 2023
Chairman of Medicos Learning Welfare Association

1 review for Dr. Muhammad Tayyab

  1. wetHoorry

    Garcia Castro A, Zonca M, Florindo Pinheiro D, Carvalho Pinto CE, Cordero A, Gutierrez del Burgo B, Garcia Grande A, Manes S, Hahne M, Gonzalez Suarez E, Planelles L priligy equivalent The typical history is that of a healthy pregnant woman who observes gradual bilateral massive enlargement of her breasts within the first few months of pregnancy

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